Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weave On!

Back in the Spring I mentioned I thought once Summer rolled around things would settle out. I was wrong. Have Karen and I been busy. Really. Busy.
We had the Studio Stroll in June. Then Karen went to NJ not once but twice to visit family and friends while sorting through a dear friend's weaving things who passed away in June. And before I knew it my trip to Seivers for Daryl Lancaster's Sewing Extravaganza in August had arrived. I even had a chance to visit Wence and Sandra Martinez in Jacksonport on my way to Seivers on Washington Island, WI. Thrown in there was our most memorable part of the summer:: the arrival of Meg. In case you have not heard, Meg is our Louet Megado 32H loom.
We are now well into September and can hardly remember where all those days of summer went. The one thing I know for sure, it was pretty darn hot on many of those days in the studio without A/C.
Days and nights are cooling off in Asheville and with it comes a very exciting announcement. Karen is a big follower of all things Weavetech, particularly their discussion groups. I read blogs and share those I find interesting with Karen and she does the same for me with regards to intriguing topics from Weavetech.
One particular topic was regarding a tool for spreading the warp out to enable easier repair of a broken warp thread. Alice Schlein wrote about this lovely tool and included a photo. Apparently the tool has not been made for many many years from what people were saying in the discussion group. Well, leave it to Karen and me to decide we had to be the ones to do it.
Now, let me say this was no easy project. This took several months of work, but fortunately we were able to find just the right person to take this idea, make a prototype, and then refine it to just what we wanted.
And it is here! We are excited to be able to offer this tool (affectionately referred to by us as the "warp spreader thingie") to you in a nice smooth maple. We are selling them for $16 each, plus tax, in our Asheville River Arts District studio. Or we will ship them anywhere within the continental US for $18.50 each.
Let us know how many you will need!
Oh, and somewhere in all of this we have been designing, weaving, and sewing up a storm.